Pricing & plans
per share
On request
Ask for what you want when you want it.
per month
For occasional professional and personal needs.
per month
Day-to-day support for your business.
per month
Strengthen your team in just a few minutes.
1 A preliminary quotation is required to activate these functions.
per month 2
A tailor-made assistant that adapts to your organization.
2 The company plan is invoiced on a quarterly basis.
3 A preliminary quotation is required to activate this feature.
What do the shares correspond to?
40 actions correspond on average to 1 hour of work by an assistant.

What is TheAssistant ?
TheAssistant is a solution that enables you to efficiently delegate tasks to an experienced team, with no long-term commitment.
Relying on our technology, your assistant helps you save time every day, giving you peace of mind so you can concentrate fully on your business.
What types of tasks can I delegate to TheAssistant ?
With TheAssistant, you can delegate many business tasks such as calendar management, event organization, email processing, travel planning and expense management. Although we don't take on tasks requiring physical travel or specific expertise (legal, medical), we can help you find the right experts.
How can I delegate a task?
To delegate a task to your assistant, simply send him an e-mail asking him what you want.
Please note that this feature is only available once you have subscribed and created your personal space.
Can I track the progress of my request?
Yes, with TheAssistant, you can follow the progress of your requests in real time thanks to our dedicated "timeline". Access this feature directly from your personal space or via the links provided in our emails. Our solution keeps you informed at every stage, ensuring smooth, transparent communication.
Is the subscription commitment-free?
Yes, subscribing to TheAssistant is non-binding. You can unsubscribe at any time by sending an email to The cancellation will take effect the month following your request, after which your support service will be closed and you will no longer be able to make requests.

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