A few examples
Your assistant answers all your queries!
Here's a selection of our most popular assignments.
Contract creation
Generate an expense report
Responding to customers
Entering data
Cancelling a subscription
Book a flight
Book a hotel
Book an Airbnb
Enhance contact information
Search for candidate information
Search for competitors
Candidate sourcing on Linkedin
Administrative search
Book a medical appointment
Planning a meeting
Buy a product
Send a newsletter
Write a publication
Create a job description
Manage a job offer
Generate a list of prospects by name and company
Formatting a worksheet
Examining an application
Send a contract
Administrative procedures
Convert a document
Add a list of people to LinkedIn
Updating a CRM
Product search
Sorting files
Find an influencer on Instagram
Electronic signature
Search for information on an e-mail
Search for lead information
Unsubscribe from newsletters
Manage your subscriber lists
Buy an item online
Generate leads
Recurring order
Generate website performance statistics
Translating a professional document
Entering data into accounting software
Managing an Internet contract
Order supplies
Create an Excel report
Reserve a meeting room
Getting a document signed
Transcribing an audio file
Proofread and correct a document
Search for a restaurant
Lead callback
Find a supplier
Schedule an appointment
Pay a bill
Organizing a contact file
Formatting a document
Formatting data
Claiming travel compensation
Send a letter
Send a registered letter
Writing a letter
How to apply for a grant
Buy on Amazon
Buy tickets
Search for product or service reviews
Modify an appointment
Publish an ad online
Recruitment assistance
Hotel search
Planning a travel itinerary
Find a reception venue
Book a cultural activity
Search for a restaurant
Merging a document
Follow up on unpaid bills
Sorting data
Writing a report
Order a courier
Create a Zap with Zapier
Publication of job offers
Redesigning a presentation
Creating an excel macro
Paying bills
Send an information email
Drafting frequently asked questions
Drafting a lease
Apartment search
Search for designer furniture
Rereading a contract
Enter employee vacations
Send a quote
Send a reminder
Search for articles on a topic
Send an invoice
Managing forms
Manage subscriptions
Manage subscriber lists
Search for leads
Manage pay slips
Search for an influencer
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